Taste satisfaction guarantee?
If you are not totally enamored by Aseda’s products, let us know for a full refund. We pride ourselves on doing right by our customers. Please let us know how we can improve.
When will my order arrive?
Orders made by 3pm MST will ship out same day. Your order will arrive within 3-5 business days anywhere in the continental US.
Are all products in stock?
All Aseda’s products are in stock unless otherwise stated. We work hard to ensure that we always have our full selection of products. That being said, we work with nature’s harvest periods and harvest quantities. Our products are hand crafted and artisanal. We will let you know before you order if something is out of stock.
Where is Aseda located?
Aseda is headquartered in Salt Lake City. Our business address is
Aseda, LLC
175 W 2700 S Suite 6
SLC, UT 84115
Can I call Aseda on the phone?
Please call us at 385-313-0498.
Where is Aseda headquarters?
Team Aseda’s home base is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Our partners reside in Kumasi, Ghana and Mole National Forest, Ghana, Africa.
What is triple bottom line business? Planet/Pollination, People, Profit.
Triple bottom line (abbreviated as TBL or 3BL) incorporates the notion of sustainability into business decisions. The TBL is an accounting framework with three dimensions: social, environmental/ecological and financial. The TBL dimensions are referred to as the “three pillars of sustainability.” Asedas’ business ethics are measured and build upon TBL. We believe the positive gain for the planet and people involved is just as important as profit.
When is the season and when is the honey harvested?
Aseda Honey is harvested twice per year; once at the beginning of spring and once at the end of summer. The season starts in December and goes through July.
How is the honey harvested?
Harvest time utilizes standard protective gear. Otherwise, nothing is used during the process. A careful method is employed, one without smoke, chemicals or aggression. Bees are our animal partners and we treat them with care, respect and admiration. This relationship is part of our integrity that creates the “True Raw” label.
What is the significance of our Non-GMO Project, 1% For the Planet, and TrueRaw Certifications?
These certifications are our stamp of integrity and approval for the standards of our products, partners and the planet we care for. Our honey is never processed, heated, force extracted or manipulated in any way. The standard comes through our strict guidelines for pure, raw and unadulterated honey and other Aseda products. A TrueRaw Badge is an assurance that the food you have purchased is Truly Raw, the way Mother Nature intended.
What is the Mole National Forest buffer zone?
This is a 50 mile radius that surrounds Mole, protected by the Ghanaian Government. Within this zone, there is no use of chemicals, pesticides, the practice of mono-culture agriculture, nor the ability to plant GMO seeds. This insures our bees thriving in the protected Mole National Forrest will not stumble upon the dangers that are currently causing devastation to bees in most parts of our world.
How does Aseda's partnership work with the people in the Molé National Forest?
Aseda Honey is harvested throughout the Mole National Forest. The “top bar” beehives are constructed locally through the Aseda Bee Keepers Co-op utilizing local materials and carpenters. The hives are then transported to random locations within the forest. The hive body is bated with honey to attract a “wild” bee colony. The bees take up residence and sustainable bee keeping practices are employed.
Do Aseda Bees suffer from the ailments of bee die-off, CCD, or other problems I hear about in the news?
We are grateful to share, thankfully no. Our bees live in one of the last pristine ancient forests. The population of our bees are thriving and growing. We will continue to grow this healthy bee population in this area and plan on seeking other pristine forests to follow the same model. Together we can heal the plight of the honeybee, in turn healing ourselves.
Who educates the Aseda Bee Keepers?
The bee keepers are educated through our partnering NGO’s who travel Africa educating communities on sustainable and ethical bee keeping methodologies.
What does Aseda mean?
Aseda means gratitude in the language of the Ashanti-Twi.
Why is Aseda Wild Honey darker than common grocery store honey?
In our research, we have found that the closer to the equator the honey is collected, the darker the honey is. Aseda Wild Honey is one of very few black/brown honeys found on the planet. It is collected at near 0° longitude and 0° latitude. Also, the vegetation the bees thrive on is native to the Mole National forest and not found in north America.
What plants do the bees collect pollen from?
Mostly the beautiful blossoms of the Shay Tree and the Calabash plant; both have been used for millennia as medicine’s for anything from the common cold to malaria.
Are there any differences in the taste of Aseda Raw Honey from year-to-year?
There is a consistency of inconsistency in nature. Like a fine wine, several environmental factors such as rain amounts, sun, and what the bee chooses to forage on any given year creates a unique harvest of honey. Each “vintage” year will create subtle taste differences.
Are there medicinal values to honey?
Many! A great start to your research our resources page where you will find published papers and writings on this subject.
Isn't honey just sugar?
Raw Honey contains precious enzymes your body needs for optimal function. Your body easily breaks down raw honey and utilizes the health properties. Please see our article, Honey vs. Sugar for an in-depth answer.
My honey is crystalizing, can I still use it?
Yes! Crystalizing honey is a great indication that you have a truly raw honey on your hands. You may gently warm it under warm running water or use it in its butter like consistency. Raw honey never spoils.
Why is Aseda Wild Honey more expensive?
The price of high quality raw honey has just begun to reflect the true cost of honey and honey production. For decades the US honey industry has been receiving government subsidizes for commercial bee keeping creating an unsustainably low price and low quality product. This leaves beekeepers underpaid and making honey as cheaply as possible. The market is flooded with “honey like” products. Some of these products are colored corn syrup imported from other countries being marketed as honey. (Think about the standard “honey bear” for under $2 here.) Aseda Wild Honey pays a “living wage” to our bee-keepers co-operative and our partners use the latest bee keeping techniques to ensure the health and vitality of the bee population. When you buy Aseda Wild Honey, you are voting for a healthy bee population, successful bee-keepers, environmental protection and your health.
I have heard it is good to only eat local honey
It is good to eat all raw honey! Eating local honey helps your body build a defense against local allergies. A practice used by many traveling allergy suffers is to eat the local honey of the area they will be traveling to for about 2 weeks before their trip. In Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine Practices, different honeys are prescribed for different aliments. The Aseda Tribe believes in eating a variety of raw honeys to maintain optimal functioning bodies. Aseda Wild Honey is very high in antioxidant qualities and is low on the glycemic scale.